Below are various public and private commission projects that Mark Ogge has designed and painted. The links will take you to a page where you can learn more and see photo documentation of them.
Spiegel Automata
The Spiegel Automata is a coin operated, automated mechanical amusement with over 20 moving characters.
The Automata was commissioned by US company Spiegelworld and completed in 2015.
The Famous Spiegeltent Facade
In 2001 Mark Ogge was commissioned to repaint the facade of The Famous Spiegeltent.
The most beautiful of the last remaining Belgian Spiegeltents, The Famous Spiegeltent, was built in 1920 by master craftsmen Oscar Mols Dom and Loius Goor. This Grande Dame has spent her lifetime at the bequest of festivals and fairgrounds throughout Europe and beyond, playing host to the world’s greatest cabaret artists, musicians and circus burlesque performers.
The facade was painted in Edinburgh in 2001 where it regularly appears as a major venue at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
The painting is around twenty square meters, painted in Rosco scenic paint and was inspired by commedia del arte, carnival baroque and vaudeville traditions.
Luna Park Carnivale figures
The Carnivale figures are seven, twelve meter high sculptures at Luna Park in Melbourne designed by Mark Ogge.
The figures, make up an eccentric band of giant musicians including a bass clarinet player, piano accordion, trombone, saxophone, flautist, french horn and diva.
They are inspired by the rich artistic traditions of Commedia del Arte, fairground art, circus and vaudeville.
Spiegelworld Octopus logo
The Spiegelworld octopus logo was designed for the opening of the Miami 2007 Miami season of Spiegelworld's Absinth.
The octopus has remained a recurring motif for Ogge's Spiegelworld artwork, appearing in the Spiegel Automata commission of 2015 and the American Dream painting created for the 2018 season of Opium in New York.
New York Absinthe Archway
The Absinthe archway design was used as a decorative entrance for the original season of Spiegelworld's Absinthe at the Fish Markets in New York in 2006.
It was designed to reflect the seafaring spirit of the New York harbour setting, complete with Poseidon, a mermaid and merman, giant kracken and vaudeville performers.
Automata door panels
The Automata door panels were designed as decorative panels to cover the front of the Spiegel Automata when it is not operating.
It consists of six concertinered panels, making up an overall painted image of around 2.4 x 1.2m.
1001 Nights
1001 Nights is a superbly painted and enormous 60 square meter painting (3m high x 20 long) with over 30 larger than life-sized figures and animals.
It was commissioned for Luna parks 95th birthday in 2008 to adorn the "Station" of Luna Park's iconic heritage "Scenic Railway" roller coaster, the oldest wooden roller coaster ride in the world.
Opium "American dream" painting
American dream was commissioned for the opening of Spiegelworld's 2018 production Opium at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
The painting playfully explores the myriad of "conspiracies" that litter the American popular imagination, bringing them all together in a dark Boschian landscape.